Accelerating drug development with PET: what you see is what you get!
TTO offers
Veronique Daniëls - veronique.daniels@kuleuven.be & Christopher Cawthorne - christopher.cawthorne@kuleuven.be - MIRaCLe (Molecular Imaging Research and Clinic Leuven) – KU Leuven
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) is a translational and quantitative imaging technique that allows the 3D and temporal visualization and measurement of molecular species in living systems. As such, it can be applied for validation of new drug candidates, allowing quantitation of drug exposure and dynamic target occupancy. PET can also be used as a companion diagnostic for patient selection/stratification and therapy monitoring. MIRaCLe, the Molecular Imaging Research and Clinic Leuven, is a centre of excellence that offers a fully integrated service from tracer development, preclinical assessment in a range of animal models through to first-in-man studies using state-of-the-art multimodal equipment. We will illustrate several aspects of lead compound development, including radiolabeling and biodistribution studies, determination of ligand specificity and selectivity, determination of receptor occupancy in small and large animal models via full tracer kinetic modelling, GMP production, first-in-man studies, dosimetry, and novel therapy/companion, diagnostic/pharmacologic biomarker assessments via advanced quantitative approaches.
Have a look at this video about the Molecular Imaging Research and Clinic: https://youtu.be/Smc4Eiptx9I